TRAIN DAY 2054 (TD25)
Saturday, MAY 10, 2025
It is a tradition that goes back some years (no one can remember how many exactly.) A post May 1 chance to see the CA Coast via the train, and to do a pub crawl through Carlsbad. May 9, 2020 was to be the 10th anniversary of Train Day. The pandemic may have derailed us, but we are back on track.
The date of Train Day usually aligns with the national celebration of train day, to see more details - click here. This year, we will celebrate a week before the National Train Day celebration.
Invited guests can ride the rails from the South, or the North, to meet in Carlsbad, CA.
We start with breakfast, a sensible thing to do. Then we climb aboard the train, where we play games, eat jello and enjoy the views until we reach our stop in Carlsbad. There, the crawl begins.
See a full updated schedule under "The Day."
Sing like no one is watching, dance like no one is listening, make TRAIN DAY a time to go off the rails.